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Workshop Guillotine - cutting length 1100 mm/cutting capacity 4 mm

Workshop Guillotine - cutting length 1100 mm/cutting capacity 4 mm
  • Varenr.: 93745 - Lev. nr.: 00585-20103
  • Dahle
  • Pris per stk for kjøp av 1 Stk20.728,00  Kr.ekslusive. mva og miljøbidrag
Ikke på lager Forventet leveringstid: 14 Dag(er)

Beskrivelse af Workshop Guillotine - cutting length 1100 mm/cutting capacity 4 mm

  • - Ergonomically shaped handle
    - Two scale bars with mm scale for an exact 90° cut
    - 2 scale bars
    - Sturdy, solid-steel blade holder for optimum guidance of the screw-mounted upper blade
    - Transparent blade guard for cutting safety and unobstructed view of the item being cut
    - High-quality, re-sharpenable blades made of Solingen steel
    - Blades can be sharpened
    - Narrow guide channels in the table prevent individual sheets from slipping through
    - Clamp can be applied manually or deactivated
    - Supporting table included
    - Adjustable metal backstop in guide channels for quickly finding the right format – can be used on both scale bars and the front table
    - Precision narrow-strip cutting device for cutting extremely thin strips is optionally available (793)
    - Precision laser beam line indication available
    - Narrow-strip cutting device optional
    - High-quality guillotines for commercial use
    - Practical format lines on the table facilitate exact alignment of the item being cut
    - Material blade suitable for a wide range of different materials - different grind to paper blades. The full cutting height given cannot always
    - be used with some materials deemed suitable for cutting: the full cutting height should definitely not be used when cutting paper. In this instance, we recommend using a guillotine with a paper blade.
    - Material blade
    - Can be locked to prevent unauthorised use
    - Sturdy metal table with rounded corners for firm standing
    - Screw-mounted, ground material upper blade and ground lower blade for precision cutting a wide range of materials
    - Convenient foot clamping for evenly clamping large-format items
    - Folding front table with guide channels
    - Precision laser beam line indicator for professional cutting results is optionally available (797)
    - Permanently attached stand with storage shelf for an optimum working height of 74 cm
    - Lower frame included
    -Sturdy solid metal table

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