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A4 SkyCopy 80 g/m² - pakke med 500 ark

A4 SkyCopy 80 g/m² - pakke med 500 ark
  • Varenr.: 107758 - Lev. nr.: 88031879
  • Pris per stk for kjøp av 1 Stk65,00  Kr.ekslusive. mva og miljøbidrag
På lager Forventet leveringstid: 2 Dag(er)

Beskrivelse af A4 SkyCopy 80 g/m² - pakke med 500 ark

  • A4 SkyCopy 80 grams kopipapir (500 ark) for all your office needs.
    This multifunctional office paper is unmatched in its quality and versatility. Can be used for both black/white and color printing.

    This wood-free and uncoated paper is Swan labeled and EU Ecolabel certified, so you can be sure that you are doing your part for the environment by using this product.
    The thickness of the paper makes it durable and resistant to curls and folds, making it perfect for archiving and storage.
    It is ordered in packs of 500 sheets and you must always buy the bundle of 5 packs.
    A4 SkyCopy 80gsm kopipapir is also compatible with a wide range of printers, making it the ideal choice for all your office needs.
    So if you want a high-quality copy paper that is versatile, environmentally friendly, and durable, Printerpapir A4 SkyCopy 80 grams is the perfect choice for you.
    SkyCopy has good printability and consistent performance in all types of printers and copiers.

    Suitable for inkjet printers, laser printers, color laser printers, copiers, and color copiers.

    You can trust SKY® copy paper in every way because the technical features, materials, and environmentally friendly production are under strict control. They guarantee to be tested according to the following criteria:
    1. Excellent performance and printability on all types of devices.
    2. Tested production sites with recognized environmental management systems (ISO 14001, EMAS) and targeted promotion of recognized environmental labels (EU Flower, Swan).
    3. Consistent quality with high supply security.
    4. Archive guarantee according to the globally recognized DIN / ISO 9706 standard.
    5. Constant adaptation of quality standards to the rapidly changing technical environment with new inks, toners, and printing systems.


    -Weight: 80 grams
    -Color: White
    -Minimum order: 5 boxes
  • Passer for alle de store printerprodusentene

    A4 SkyCopy kopipapiret kan brukes med nesten alle de store printerprodusentene.

    - Kopipapir og kontorpapir for HP-skrivere
    - Kopipapir og kontorpapir for Epson-skrivere
    - Kopipapir og kontorpapir for Canon-skrivere
    - Kopipapir og kontorpapir for Brother-skrivere
    - Kopipapir og kontorpapir for Xerox-skrivere
    - Kopipapir og kontorpapir for Kyocera-skrivere
    - Kopipapir og kontorpapir for Oki-skrivere
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