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Light Booths

    Leveringstid: 15 dag(er)
    Artline Metallic Calligraphy 993
    Varenr.: 107652
    • 31,00  Kr. ekslusive. mva og miljøbidrag
    Leveringstid: 15 dag(er)
    X-Rite Judge QC (D50/TL84/CWF/A/UV)
    Varenr.: 102629
    Judge QC is a compact and easy-to-use controlled lighting solution that removes subjectivity from color grading. With a Dual Daylight mode, it allows users to easily switch between the D50 light source for print and packaging and the D65 for industrial applications. It also comes fully equipped with a UVA lamp for accurate evaluation when samples contain optical brighteners (OBAs) to achieve a "whiter-than-white" effect on a range of materials including plastics, paints and coatings and paper.
    • 35.095,00  Kr. ekslusive. mva og miljøbidrag
    Leveringstid: 15 dag(er)
    X-Rite Judge QC (D50/U30/CWF/A/UV)
    Varenr.: 102631
    Judge QC is a compact and easy-to-use controlled lighting solution that removes subjectivity from color grading. With a Dual Daylight mode, it allows users to easily switch between the D50 light source for print and packaging and the D65 for industrial applications. It also comes fully equipped with a UVA lamp for accurate evaluation when samples contain optical brighteners (OBAs) to achieve a "whiter-than-white" effect on a range of materials including plastics, paints and coatings and paper.
    • 35.095,00  Kr. ekslusive. mva og miljøbidrag
    Leveringstid: 15 dag(er)
    X-Rite Judge QC (D50/U35/CWF/A/UV)
    Varenr.: 102630
    Judge QC is a compact and easy-to-use controlled lighting solution that removes subjectivity from color grading. With a Dual Daylight mode, it allows users to easily switch between the D50 light source for print and packaging and the D65 for industrial applications. It also comes fully equipped with a UVA lamp for accurate evaluation when samples contain optical brighteners (OBAs) to achieve a "whiter-than-white" effect on a range of materials including plastics, paints and coatings and paper.
    • 35.095,00  Kr. ekslusive. mva og miljøbidrag
    Leveringstid: 15 dag(er)
    X-Rite Judge QC (D65/TL84/CWF/A/UV)
    Varenr.: 102626
    Judge QC is a compact and easy-to-use controlled lighting solution that removes subjectivity from color grading. With a Dual Daylight mode, it allows users to easily switch between the D50 light source for print and packaging and the D65 for industrial applications. It also comes fully equipped with a UVA lamp for accurate evaluation when samples contain optical brighteners (OBAs) to achieve a "whiter-than-white" effect on a range of materials including plastics, paints and coatings and paper.
    • 35.095,00  Kr. ekslusive. mva og miljøbidrag
    Leveringstid: 15 dag(er)
    X-Rite Judge QC (D65/U30/CWF/A/UV)
    Varenr.: 102628
    Judge QC is a compact and easy-to-use controlled lighting solution that removes subjectivity from color grading. With a Dual Daylight mode, it allows users to easily switch between the D50 light source for print and packaging and the D65 for industrial applications. It also comes fully equipped with a UVA lamp for accurate evaluation when samples contain optical brighteners (OBAs) to achieve a "whiter-than-white" effect on a range of materials including plastics, paints and coatings and paper.
    • 35.095,00  Kr. ekslusive. mva og miljøbidrag
    Leveringstid: 15 dag(er)
    X-Rite Judge QC (D65/U35/CWF/A/UV)
    Varenr.: 102627
    Judge QC is a compact and easy-to-use controlled lighting solution that removes subjectivity from color grading. With a Dual Daylight mode, it allows users to easily switch between the D50 light source for print and packaging and the D65 for industrial applications. It also comes fully equipped with a UVA lamp for accurate evaluation when samples contain optical brighteners (OBAs) to achieve a "whiter-than-white" effect on a range of materials including plastics, paints and coatings and paper.
    • 35.095,00  Kr. ekslusive. mva og miljøbidrag
    Leveringstid: 15 dag(er)
    X-Rite Judge QC 'Dual Daylight' (D50/D65/CWF/A/UV)
    Varenr.: 102638
    Judge QC is a compact and easy-to-use controlled lighting solution that removes subjectivity from color grading. With a Dual Daylight mode, it allows users to easily switch between the D50 light source for print and packaging and the D65 for industrial applications. It also comes fully equipped with a UVA lamp for accurate evaluation when samples contain optical brighteners (OBAs) to achieve a "whiter-than-white" effect on a range of materials including plastics, paints and coatings and paper.
    • 38.357,00  Kr. ekslusive. mva og miljøbidrag
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