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RAL fargekort

RAL fargekart - Industri fargestandard RAL-fargesystemet er bransjens svar på hva Pantone er innen tekstiler og grafiske applikasjoner. I bransjen vil du ofte se farger spesifisert i en RAL-kode på eks byggematerialer. Det mest brukte RAL-fargekortet er deres K7. Den består av 210 farger, som er tilgjengelige i et kompakt lite fargekart (fargespekter) samt i en større versjon med en side for hver farge, slik at du virkelig kan se og vurdere den. I tillegg kommer også RAL D2-viften, som er beregnet for generelle designformål og som inneholder 1.625 farger trykt på halvmatt papir. Hva gjør du hvis du vil jobbe med RAL og Pantone sammen på et prosjekt? Du kan ikke konvertere direkte mellom RAL og Pantone, da de er to forskjellige fargesystemer, men det er to måter du kan jobbe med det som en løsning. 1. Du kan selvfølgelig sammenligne fargene med de to viftene. Så gjør du en visuell sammenligning. 2. Med et Pantone Capsure-instrument kan du finne nærmeste Pantone-farge ved å gjøre en måling i RAL-fargekartet.
    Leveringstid: 2 dag(er)
    Varenr.: 92908
    How do you get from the seven-digit RAL DESIGN colour number to the hue and vice versa? The Colour Fan Deck offers an overview of the current colour nuances with colour codes and thus presents painters, architects, designers and industrial companies with a useful working tool. It has never been so easy to choose and match colours.
    • 2.038,00  Kr. ekslusive. mva og miljøbidrag
    Leveringstid: 7 dag(er)
    Varenr.: 92909
    Which colours match which? The removable colour chips of the Colour Toolbook make it easy to strike the right note for your collage or for your next mood board. The book presents each hue on a double page and arranges them according to lightness and saturation; each hue has three colour chips to easily develop creative colour collections.
    • 17.650,00  Kr. ekslusive. mva og miljøbidrag
    Leveringstid: 7 dag(er)
    Varenr.: 92910
    Did you know that the RAL DESIGN SYSTEM is based on a 3D MODEL? It arranges the colours in three dimensions, according to hue, lightness and saturation. The Colour Atlas presents the system in a handier binder, allowing a swift, systematic overview of the 1,825 colour nuances, along with colour codes and additional colour information, helping trend consultants in the development of collections.
    • 6.368,00  Kr. ekslusive. mva og miljøbidrag
    Leveringstid: 7 dag(er)
    Varenr.: 92911
    Colour code, hue, colour information: this handy box with the RAL DESIGN colours in the A6 format provides even more clarity. The colours that you are looking for for your mood board or meeting with the client, is always at your fingertips with the RAL Card Index Box.
    • 24.892,00  Kr. ekslusive. mva og miljøbidrag
    Leveringstid: 7 dag(er)
    Varenr.: 92912
    Would you like to find your client’s colour of choice faster or match colours on the construction site? Then let yourself be guided through the RAL DESIGN SYSTEM PLUS: The compact box contains eight colour fan decks with all 1,825 colour nuances, an overview of the respective contained hues and the CIELAB COLOUR CIRCLE inside the lid. The only thing left to do yourself is choose the colour.
    • 6.014,00  Kr. ekslusive. mva og miljøbidrag
    Leveringstid: 7 dag(er)
    RAL E1 Box with Standard 490 RAL Effect Colours
    Varenr.: 92907
    • 34.082,00  Kr. ekslusive. mva og miljøbidrag
    Leveringstid: 7 dag(er)
    RAL E4 effects fan deck (metallic)
    Varenr.: 92923
    The RAL E4 EFFECTS Fan Deck offers all 70 RAL EFFECT metallic colours based on acrylic paints and provides a definitive resource offering greater variety for painting colour design in the industrial sector. The innovative RAL E4 Metallics EFFECTS Fan Deck complies with various European EN and ISO standards and allows eco-efficient colour production for all paint and lacquer producers and users through its simple, contemporary formulation. The RAL E4 EFFECTS Fan Deck boasts numerous features, including:
    • 501,00  Kr. ekslusive. mva og miljøbidrag
    Leveringstid: 7 dag(er)
    RAL K1 - Booklet
    Varenr.: 92916
    The RAL K1 Booklet contains all 213 colours from the RAL CLASSIC colour range and is the definitive guide for selecting and verifying colour for paint and coatings to international standards. The RAL K1 forms part of the RAL CLASSIC collection of accurate, easy to use resources. The RAL K1 Booklet boasts numerous features, including:
    • 212,00  Kr. ekslusive. mva og miljøbidrag
    Leveringstid: 7 dag(er)
    RAL K5 - Colour fan deck High Gloss
    Varenr.: 92914
    • 623,00  Kr. ekslusive. mva og miljøbidrag
    Leveringstid: 7 dag(er)
    RAL K5 - Colour fan deck semi matt
    Varenr.: 92915
    • 623,00  Kr. ekslusive. mva og miljøbidrag
    Leveringstid: 7 dag(er)
    RAL K6 B - Colour binder
    Varenr.: 92917
    • 5.490,00  Kr. ekslusive. mva og miljøbidrag
    Leveringstid: 2 dag(er)
    RAL K7 - Colour fan deck
    Varenr.: 92913
    • 212,00  Kr. ekslusive. mva og miljøbidrag
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